T-Scan makes record retrieval cost-effective with transparent processes founded on expertise.
T-Scan record retrieval relieves our clients of time intensive tasks by consolidating hundreds of disparate requests into one retrieval partner. Streamlined communications and support of mission-critical retrievals allows our clients to repurpose time towards their own valuable services and saves hundreds of hours traditionally spent trying to gather the record. Our experts provide law firms and insurance carriers an efficient procurement process that eliminates 99% of administrative costs while supporting organizations of all sizes, operating across multiple jurisdictions.
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ExpertiseOur national retrieval group are experts in overcoming the myriad of potential record retrieval challenges. Core ServiceT-Scan's core record retrieval service is both efficient and reliable allowing our clients to focus on their core service. Streamlined CommunicationOur team streamlines the administration of mission-critical to save hundreds of labor hours in trying to gather the record. Efficient ProcurementT-Scan provides an efficient procurement process that eliminates 99% of administrative costs. |
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SecurityData security should never be compromised due to cost. Cost-CompetitiveOur operational integrity ensures your security while allowing your data storage to be efficient and cost-competitive. Document RepositoryInformation stored with our document repository is scalable by demand, easily accessible, and carefully guarded against threats and data breaches. Data Security ArchitectureT-Scan clients are provided cost efficient security through our detailed data security architecture while saving on storage costs. |
ManagementHalf the battle in record retrieval is managing and tracking every record request sent out to providers. Proprietary SoftwareT-Scan's proprietary retrieval task software provides our experts with the tools and staff needed to thoroughly manage and track every request, call, record intake, and provider fee charged. ReportingOur clients can opt-in for management reports that include spend by office or provider, request status and timelines, turn-around times, cost analysis by case and other custom reporting. Budget ForecastingT-Scan retrieval management tools pinpoint retrieval spend and time to educate more accurate budget forecasting and cost analysis for our clients.
T-Scan Record Retrieval offers clients the unique combination of expertise, labor and technical cost reductions, faster retrieval turnaround times and key management tools at competitive prices. Our transparent processes and competitive pricing based on measured efficiency make your record retrieval cost-effective.
Remove cost related barriers from your record retrieval process with T-Scan and customize the ideal experience for your firm.