T-Scan Resources

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With T-Scan , accessing and viewing medical imaging has never been easier. T-Scan Record Retrieval has partnered with Ambra health to save our clients time, frustration and cost. 

Imaging can be a vital part of the case. In partnering with Ambra Health, T-Scan provides our clients with the unique ability to view 3D medical imaging simply and quickly via our secure repository.

For far too long, retrieving imaging studies required a flood of viewers, permission codes, software updates, permissions and CD drives. T-Scan provides a simple yet technological sophisticated method of retrieving those vital 3D images through our secure repository. No more CDs. No more thumb drives. No more required viewers.

Rather than wait for a CD in the mail, get your tech department’s approval to install the latest DICOM viewer and find a laptop with a CD drive, the only thing T-Scan clients need is a stable internet connection. T-Scan clients can download their requested images to personal computers, phones, or tablets anytime and anywhere, providing fast and easy access when they need it not when they can find it. X-Rays? No problem. MRIs? No problem. No software? No software.

Medical imaging retrieval has never been easier than it is at T-Scan Record Retrieval. By partnering with T-Scan Record Retrieval, our clients can save time and costs by receiving digital images without the hassle. To find out more, or request a demo, and lose the CDs, on purpose this time, please contact:

Jay Jenkins

VP Client Services



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