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Scott Tamfer

Scott Tamfer is founder, owner, and active chief operations officer of T-Scan Corporation. Since its inception in 2002 is both proud and thankful to see the company grow from a small "mom & pop" to regional powerhouse to national leader in record retrieval.
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Recent Posts

May 26, 2021

T-Scan and SmartAdvocate Join Forces to Collaborate on Case Management and Records Retrieval

Seattle – T-Scan, a record retrieval service company with offices in Seattle and Southern California, is excited to announce their recent agreement to partner with SmartAdvocate, a legal case management software provider. SmartAdvocate is one of the nation’s top legal case management platforms and is noted for their native integrations with many different legal service products and tools. The ability to integrate with other legal products and platforms is a major advantage for both T-Scan and SmartAdvocate.

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May 12, 2021

Improving Your Legal Operations with Record Retrieval

It turns out a record retrieval service can do more than help you retrieve the records your client’s need. A record retrieval company that is worth its salt can provide value to your operations in ways that aren’t immediately apparent.

There are three significant ways in which a legal operation can benefit from a reliable record retrieval company.

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March 2, 2020

Cost Efficiency Should Not Be at the Expense of Quality

T-Scan services are supported by three key pillars:

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December 27, 2019

Record Retrieval is Important. Enlist the Experts.

If your office retrieves records, you know there are three facts inherent in gathering personally identifiable information:

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November 27, 2019

What Brings Positive Change to Your Life? Start With Giving Thanks