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T-Scan services are supported by three key pillars:

We are the Experts

Our national retrieval group are experts in overcoming the myriad of potential challenges inherent in retrieving secured information. Whether through subpoenas, authorizations, or HITECH Directive Letters, T-Scan’s team, with a combined experience of over 150 years retrieving records through various state jurisdictions, saves clients labor cost and valuable time. To be experts in record retrieval, your firm would need a staff with a core fulltime focus on retrieving records. Retrieving records is T-Scan’s core service. Our experts created a service that is both efficient and reliable while allowing our client to focus on their core service.

T-Scan record retrieval relieves our clients of time intensive tasks allowing our clients to repurpose those hours toward their own valuable services. Our clients consolidate hundreds of disparate requests into one retrieval partner, T-Scan. Streamlining communication and administration of mission-critical retrievals saves hundreds of labor hours in just trying to gather the record.

T-Scan provides law firms and insurance carriers an efficient procurement process that eliminates 99% of administrative costs. Our team members are adept at working for organizations of all sizes, operating across multiple jurisdictions. In addition, through our T-Scan HD Program, T-Scan reduces costs even further—up to 70%.

Efficient Management

Half the battle in record retrieval is just managing and tracking each and every request sent out to providers. T-Scan experts, through our proprietary retrieval task software, have the tools and staff available to thoroughly manage and track every request, every call, every record intake, and every provider fee charged T-Scan clients can opt-in for management reports ranging from request status and timelines, spend by office or provider, turn-around times, cost analysis by case and other custom reporting. T-Scan retrieval management tools allow the clients to pinpoint retrieval spend and time which in turn leads to more accurate budget forecasting and cost analysis for their clients.

Proficient Data Security and Information Storage

The security of your data that’s being collected and stored should not be compromised due to cost. Our operational integrity allows your data storage to be cost-competitive and efficient, while ensuring the security.

The information stored with our document repository is easily accessible, scalable by demand, and carefully guarded against data breaches and threats. By using our document repository, clients are not only provided cost efficient security through our detailed data security architecture, but also save on storage costs. Working with T-Scan helps firms improve organizational technical cost analysis through itemized and direct billing detailing costs associated with security and storage.


T-Scan Record Retrieval offers clients the unique combination of expertise, key management tools, labor and technical cost reductions, and a faster retrieval turnaround time, all at competitive prices based on measured efficiency. We make retrieval cost-effective. Slicing prices does not lead to cost efficiencies, transparent retrieval expertise slices costs. That’s the T-Scan promise to you.

Make it Simple. Make it T-Scan.

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Scott Tamfer

Scott Tamfer

Scott Tamfer is founder, owner, and active chief operations officer of T-Scan Corporation. Since its inception in 2002 is both proud and thankful to see the company grow from a small "mom & pop" to regional powerhouse to national leader in record retrieval.

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