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Security, and compliance requirements are, by nature, ever-evolving. Resting on yesterday’s solution is not a viable option. To lag behind in data security is to put our clients, their clients, and their information at risk.

A core tenet of T-Scan service is to take the lead, not follow, in data security and compliance by employing the finest technological tools and security architecture principals available.

In many respects, retrieving information is just beginning of the work we do for our clients. Our job does not end when we retrieve requested information. As a partner to your firm, T-Scan is counted on to handle and disseminate your information securely.

T-Scan focuses on three security elements that informs our overall security architecture:

  • Employee Training and Awareness
  • Manual Procedures and Control
  • Identity and Access Management

Data Security and Compliance Architecture

T-Scan's Data Security and Compliance Architecture (DSCA) takes into consideration required technical strategies as well various complex business challenges in preventing and, if required, recovering from potential data breaches. We have taken the time to develop a well-thought-out architecture and response plan to protect our clients’ data in the event of a cyber-attack.

T-Scan's DSCA is a framework designed to safeguard sensitive data from a breach. In today’s world, the best approach is to not think “if,” but “when.”

The T-Scan DSCA focuses on five key areas:

  1. Corporate Governance and IT Practices
  2. Technology and Architecture
  3. Hosting Continuity and Availability
  4. Data Breach Identification and Remediation
  5. Backup Cyber Liability & Data Breach Insurance

Our clients depend on T-Scan to keep their data in the most secure environment possible. Employing the T-Scan network, utilizing the most up-to-date safeguards available is the most cost-effective way for your firm to provide superior—secure—services to your clients.

Well-designed organization and accessibility

While security is critical, clear organization and accessibility are mandatory requirements in our industry. Not surprisingly, our clients require secure on-demand access with clear organization. That is why your database offers security and organization. Your records are available 24/7, structured and organized providing simplified access via our secure repository.

This minimizes the time spent in identifying and accessing key documents. Your documents are not only readily available for your team on-demand but also secure.

The pillars of T-Scan services are the union of experienced, trained, expert professionals with more than 150 years of cumulative record retrieval knowledge and a strong security architecture to where records are organized, accessible, and secure. The result is an unparalleled cost-effective and efficient retrieval solution.

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Jay Jenkins

Jay Jenkins

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